Sunday, August 24, 2014


I chose to intern with a lawyer because it interested me for 2 reasons:
1- I thought it would be a challenge, and I never turn down a chance to "strain my brain."
2- Everyone said I "have the head to be a lawyer.'' I never knew what they meant until I really started to do serious research into the field of law.
Through this program, i hope to gain the knowledge and experience necessary to prepare myself for law school and the real world of law. I plan to work as hard as I can in and out of court so I can be confident in my knowledge of the legal system ( and to make a good, lasting impression on my mentor Mr. Arturo Corso). Once I'm in law school, hopefully I will blow the professors out of the water with the amount of knowledge and experience I will have gained from my time in the mentorship program.

HMP SLO Blog # 1

Podcast on First Impressions:
   The information presented in this podcast was very similar to what was taught in our class at DaVinci. I was fascinated by the fact that a first impression is usually made in the first 10 seconds after meeting someone. The big points that were covered were:
Have a good attitude
Dress professionally
Speak to everyone equally and remember their names
Ask questions to learn how everything operates in the office
Take initiative
Work as much as possible and be on time or early (to me early is on time, on time is late)
Get into the "office politics" meaning: hang around the right people, and talk 20%, listen 80%

Getting to Know Your Mentor
   As always, make a good first impression. This seems like it can't be stressed enough. Its best to start friendly conversation with your mentor before you work with them intimately. You have to "break the ice" per say. Its best to ask about them first: What made them choose their career? What can I do during my time here to be productive in the office? Things like that. You should be prepared to answer questions like: What are your goals in this program? What do you plan to do after college? Why should i take time out of my day to work with you?
All of these things should be taken into consideration when meeting your mentor.